Saturday, July 11, 2015

Lesson 2: An Overview of Educational Technology 2


     The subject is mainly intended for the student teachers concerning on the integration of technology into teaching and learning specifically on introducing, reinforcing, supplementing and extending the knowledge and skills to become exemplary users of educational technology. At this point, unlike in educational technology I, educational technology II will involve a deeper understanding of the computer as well as the hands-on application of computer skills.
            The objectives of Educational Technology II will be:
1.      To provide education in the use of technology in instruction by providing knowledge and skills on technology integration-in-instruction to learners.
2.      To impart learning experiences in instructional technology-supported instructional planning.
3.      To acquaint students on information technology or IT related learning theories with the computer as a tutor.
4.      To learn to use and evaluate computer-based educational resources.
5.      To engage learners on practical technology integration issues including managing IT classrooms, use of internet in learning, cooperative learning through the use of information technology.
6.      To inculcate higher level thinking and creativity among students while providing them knowledge of IT-related learning theories.
       The course will help to meet and adapt to the rapid and continuing technological changes especially in the thriving global information and communication technology (ICT) environment.


              It took a while after the start of the semester that we had a class in Educational Technology II. As an overview of what we are going to do for the whole duration of the semester, we were made to have a podcast in substitution for the paper and pencil submission of assignments and blog writing to involve ourselves in the World Wide Web.


         Technology allows us to engage our students while at the same time working with their strengths and address their learning needs. When combined with good teaching practices, a flexible approach, well established routines, engaging lessons that take into account the strengths and needs of all students, technology allows all students to participate in rich and meaningful learning experiences and demonstrate wide-ranging forms of success. The placement of equipment in the classroom directly reflects and has an impact on the way technology is adopted into the everyday routine. We can spontaneously integrate technology as we go.  As we become more comfortable with and understand the potential of the different types of technology we employ in the classroom, we can plan the use of technology into our lessons, activities and assessments. Begin slowly at first by aiming to implement one type of technology into already existing lessons and routines. Because of the breadth and ever-evolving nature of technology, each teacher and student will approach the use of different technology individually based on comfort level and a given situation.


        The skills I gained from this lesson were: to create a class blog, put together a podcast, and share the lesson content online.

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